"Big Bad Wolf
She Blows My House Down"

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12.24 On the Edge of the Infinite w/ Jenn Caccliola, Laura Horne, Whitney Ramage, Jianhau Zheng | The Active Space
12.24 Faeries at Sunset II, curated by Suzanne Wright | Tappeto Volante
10.24 Music of the Spheres w/ Tanasha G, 3rd Floor Ghost | Prospect Park
08.24 Words, Music, Poetry w/ Adam Janos, Donna Thompson, Amy Pedulla | Unnameable Books
03.24 Blocks of Color Blocks of Sound w/ Membra, Lumberob | Tappeto Volante
11.23 Anthro-Shift, curated by Anita Trombetta & Char Healey | NYSS Project Space
10.23 Ravine Forest w/ Eli Sundae, Membra | Prospect Park
06.23 “A Small Biome” Release | Prospect Park
01.23 David Bowie’s Birthday w/ Eli Sundae, Membra | Tappeto Volante
09.22 Opening for "Ride Me to the Future" | Wild Birds Brooklyn
07.22 Faeries at Sunset, curated by Suzanne Wright | Rooftop at Tappeto Volante
02.22 Rearranging the Sky w/ John Richey | Lagoon New York
12.21 “So Empty This Goodbye” Release w/ Olive Oliver, Eli Sundae | 134 West 29th

In little, human-sized songs that often go big places, Nic Koller flirts with genres like Ambient, New Age, Spoken Word, Neoclassical and more– upending expectations and creating albums that are perhaps best classified as artworks or artifacts of Nic’s existence. These works delve into the poetry of impermanence, where the failures and glitches of our escape attempts become objects of beauty and realness. Their songs sit squarely within a broader artistic practice: Nic is a visual artist, animator, filmmaker, composer, poet and budding clarinetist and performer who refuses to be anything less despite (as one of their songs puts it) being “so tired of making beautiful things”. Nic's work has been shown in far away places like Sundance Film Festival and on French and German television’s Arte TV, but they primarily perform and show work locally in New York City. You can find them baring their soul for intimate audiences at galleries and other unexpected venues throughout the city. Or you can stream their albums on quiet mornings or reclusive evenings and let the experience wash over you. In these fleeting, honest and sometimes beautiful moments, Nic Koller hopes to welcome you to a present that’s alive with meaning, where the memories and ghosts of the past combine with the vast, untapped potential of the future, and where we can all imagine something new together.

Nic’s forthcoming full length album, LAURIE AND THE WOLF, is a free-associative fairy tale that reflects on the concepts of home as a contested and political space.

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